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2025 Denver City Amateur’s

  • Competitive format for golfers of all abilities.

  • You don’t have to be a Denver Resident to play. 

  • Verifiable GHIN handicap REQUIREDdetails.

  • Gross score only (flighted events)

  • Register early, space is limited.

2025 Denver Men’s City Amateur Championship

June 13-15 @ City Park Golf Course

Required: 2.4 handicap or lower upon registering 5/21/25

**Cut after round 2 June 14th


2025 Denver Men’s City Amateur Flighted Tournament

June 28-29 @ City Park Golf Course

Required: 2.5 handicap or higher on 5/21/25

*20.0 Handicap or lower recommended


2025 Denver Senior Men’s City Amateur

July 19-20 @ Overland Park Golf Course
*50 years and older

FLIGHTED EVENT – 20.0 handicap or lower recommended


2025 Denver Women’s City Amateur

August 2-3 @ City Park Golf Course

FLIGHTED EVENT – 20.0 handicap or lower recommended


2025 Denver Men’s City Amateur 


City Park Golf Course

Championship – June 13 & 14 (cut); 15th Final round

Handicaps of 2.4 or lower

REGISTER 5/21/25 @ 9 AM

Congratulations to the 2024 Denver Men’s City Amateur Champion!

2024 Men’s Champion Gage Messingham

2024 Men’s Championship 2nd Place finisher Nick Fallin

2024 Men’s Championship 3rd Place finisher Mark Henderson

2024 Men’s Championship 4th Place finisher Talan Gover

2024 Men’s Championship 5th Place finisher Gavin Crowley


Who: Any men’s amateur with a verifiable Handicap Index 2.4 or lower issued under the World Handicap System as of May 21, 2025 handicap revision. You do not have to be a Denver resident to play! All ages welcome!

When: Championship (2.4 or lower HCP): June 13-15, 2025. *Cut after 36-holes. Top 78 players plus ties play Sunday June 15th. Registration closes 4:00 PM Wednesday, June 4, 2025.

Limited space available. If you have a 2.5 GHIN or higher on 5/21/25 and register, you will be withdrawn and refunded less a $20.00 processing fee. Registration will close when the field is full. Once the field is full, players may sign up to be placed on the wait list.

Format: 3-day 18-hole gross stroke play. *Cut after round 2 36-hole gross score; top 78 players plus ties.

Event: Men’s Championship – Players with a 2.4 handicap index or lower are allowed to register.

*Handicap revision dated May 21, 2025 will be used to establish eligibility for this event.  If you currently do not have a verifiable Handicap Index issued under the World Handicap System, you can visit and hit the “Join/Renew” button at the top of the page to get a GHIN number and start posting scores.  

Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the top gross finishers in the tournament. This is NOT a flighted event, all players must have a 2.4  GHIN handicap index to be eligible for the event.  This is a CGA sanctioned points event.

Caddies: Caddies are permitted. Players must register the caddy upon tournament registration or prior to registration close date. Caddies are required to wear the tournament caddy bib throughout tournament play. *Review caddy requirements under policy & procedures tab prior to competition.

Registration: Registration for this event begins May 21, 2025 @ 9 AM. Entry fee is $320.00 per player. If you register on 5/21 and your handicap is 2.5 or higher you ARE NOT eligible to play.  If you register and your handicap is 2.5 or higher your registration fee will be refunded less a $20 processing fee.

You must register online. Entries are NOT accepted in the pro shops. It is important that you know your GHIN handicap on 5/21 before registering to ensure that you are eligible to participate in the Men’s Championship event.  If your handicap is 2.5 or higher on 5/21, you should register for the Denver Men’s City Amateur Flighted Tournament.

*Entry fee includes green fees and warm-up range bucket for both days and prize money. 

**Carts are available for purchase in the pro shop the day of play. If there are multiple riders in the same group, you will be seated together due to limited cart availability. If you choose to ride as a single, there is an additional single rider cart fee. If caddies choose to ride, standard cart fees apply.

QUESTIONS? Send us an email at

2025 Denver Men’s City Amateur

Flighted Tournament

City Park Golf Course

Tournament – June 28 & 29

Handicaps of 2.5 & higher

Congratulations to the 2024 Denver Men’s City Amateur First Flight Champion and all flight winners!

1st Flight Winner Patrick Tyson

2nd Flight Winner Graham Ely

3rd Flight Winner Christopher Palamar

4th Flight Winner Jack Joyce

5th Flight Winner Travis Lamb

Who: Any men’s amateur with a verifiable Handicap Index of 2.5 or higher issued under the World Handicap System as of May 21, 2025 handicap revision. You do not have to be a Denver resident to play! All ages welcome!

When: Flighted Tournament (2.5 or HIGHER HCP on 5/21/25): June 28-29, 2025.  Registration closes 4:00 PM Wednesday, June 18, 2025.

Limited space available. If you have a 2.4 GHIN handicap index or lower on 5/21/25 and register, you will be withdrawn and refunded less a $20.00 processing fee. Registration will close when the field is full. Once the field is full, players may sign up to be placed on the wait list.

Format: 2-day 18-hole stroke play, flighted.

Event: Men’s Flighted Tournament – Players with a 2.5 handicap index or higher on 5/21/25 are eligible to register. **Flights for tournament determined by handicap index on 6/18.

*Handicap revision dated May 21 will be used to establish eligibility for this event.  If you currently do not have a verifiable Handicap Index issued under the World Handicap System, you can visit and hit the “Join/Renew” button at the top of the page to get a GHIN number and start posting scores. 

Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the top gross finishers in each flight. This IS a flighted event, all players must have a 2.5  GHIN handicap index or higher on 5/21/25 to be eligible for the event.  This is a CGA sanctioned points event.

Caddies: Caddies are permitted. Players must register the caddy upon tournament registration or prior to registration close date. Caddies are required to wear the tournament caddy bib throughout tournament play. *Review caddy requirements under policy & procedures tab prior to competition.

Registration: Registration for this event begins May 28, 2025 @ 9 AM. Entry fee is $280.00/player. If you register on 5/28 and your handicap is 2.4 or lower on 5/21 you ARE NOT eligible to play.  If you register and your handicap is 2.4 or lower your registration fee will be refunded less a $20 processing fee.  You must register online. Entries are NOT accepted in the pro shops. It is important that you know your GHIN handicap on 5/21 before registering to ensure that you are eligible to participate in the Men’s Flighted Tournament event.  If your handicap is 2.4 or lower on 5/21, you should register for the Denver Men’s City Amateur Championship event.

*Entry fee includes green fees, warm-up range bucket for both days and prize money. 

**Carts are available for purchase in the pro shop the day of play. If there are multiple riders in the same group, you will be paired due to limited cart availability. If you choose to ride as a single, there is an additional single rider cart fee.

QUESTIONS? Send us an email at

2025 Denver Senior Men’s City Amateur

Overland Park Golf Course

*50 years or older

July 19 & 20 2025

REGISTER 6/18 @ 9 AM

Congratulations to the 2024 Denver Senior Men’s Champion

2024 Senior Men’s Champion Gary Albrecht

2024 Senior Men’s 1st Flight Winner – Alton Marsh

2024 Senior Men’s 2nd Flight Winner – Larry Lewnard

2024 Senior Men’s 3rd Flight Winner – Mark Bless

2024 Senior Men’s 4th Flight Winner – John Lohmeyer


Who: Amateurs 50 years of age or older with a Handicap Index issued under the World Handicap System as of the June 18th, 2025. You don’t have to be a Denver Resident to play!

When:  Saturday and Sunday, July 19-20, 2025.  Registration closes 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 9, 2025. Limited space available.  Late entries will NOT be accepted.  Registration will close when the field is full.  Once the field is full, players may sign up to be placed on the wait list.

Format:  2-day, 18-hole stroke play. Gross within each flight.


  • Championship Flight– Players with a of 5.4 handicap index or lower will be placed in this flight.
    • Players with a 5.5 – 8.9 handicap index may opt into Championship flight.
  • All Other Flights– Players with a 5.5 – 20.0 handicap index will be placed in flights according to handicap index.
    • Players may be re-flighted according to scores after the first day of play.
    • The number of players, flights and handicap index ranges in each flight may vary depending on the number of participants.
    • If your handicap is 20.0 or higher we do not recommend registering, we cannot guarantee a competitive flight.

*Handicap revision dated July 9th will be used to establish handicap index for flighting.  If you currently do not have a Handicap Index issued under the World Handicap System, you can go to and hit the “Join/Renew” button at the top of the page to get a GHIN number and start posting scores.  You must post a minimum of five 18-hole scores prior to July 9th to be eligible.

Prizes:  Prizes will be awarded to the top gross finishers within each flight.  This is a CGA sanctioned points event.

Caddies: Caddies are permitted. Players must register the caddy upon tournament registration or prior to registration close date. Caddies are required to wear the tournament caddy bib throughout tournament play. *Review caddy requirements under policy & procedures tab prior to competition.

Registration:  Registration for this event begins on 6/18 at 9 AM. All registrations are online. Entry fee is $260.00 per player.  Entries are NOT accepted in the pro shops.

*Entry fee includes green fees and warm-up balls for both days.  **Carts are available for purchase in the pro shop the day of play. If there are multiple riders in the same group, you will be paired due to limited availability. If you choose to ride as a single, there is an additional single rider cart fee.

QUESTIONS? Send us an email at

2025 Denver Women’s City Amateur

City Park Golf Course

August 2 & 3

Register 6/25 @ 9 AM


Congratulations to the 2024 Denver Women’s City Amateur Champion!

2024 Women’s Champion Madeline Bante

1st Flight Winner Brittany Roberts

2nd Flight Winner Liz Gard

3rd Flight Winner Erin McDonough

4th Flight Winner Paulette Dalpes

5th Flight Winner LaVerne Brookie


Who: Amateurs with a verifiable Handicap Index issued under the World Handicap System as of the July 23rd, 2025 handicap revision. You don’t have to be a Denver Resident to play! All ages are welcome!

When: Saturday & Sunday, August 2-3, 2025. Registration closes 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 23, 2025.  Limited space available. Late entries will NOT be accepted. Once the field is full, players may sign up to be placed on the wait list.

Format: 2-day, 18-hole stroke play, gross within each flight.


  • Championship Flight – Players with a 2.4 handicap index or lower will be placed in this flight.
    • Players with a 2.5 – 5.9 handicap index can opt into Championship flight.
  • All Other Flights – Players with a 2.5 handicap index or higher will be placed in flights according to handicap index.
    • Players may be re-flighted according to scores after the first day of play.
    • The number of players, flights and handicap index ranges in each flight may vary depending on the number of participants.
    • If your handicap is 20.0 or higher we do not recommend registering, we cannot guarantee a competitive flight.

  • Handicap revision dated July 23rd will be used to establish handicap index.
  • If you currently do not have a Handicap Index issued under the World Handicap System, you must go to and hit the “Join/Renew” button at the top of the page to get a GHIN number and start posting scores.
  • You must post a minimum of five 18-hole scores prior to July 23rd to be eligible.

Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the TOP GROSS finishers within each flight. This is a CGA sanctioned points event.

Caddies: Caddies are permitted. Players must register the caddy upon tournament registration or prior to registration close date. Caddies are required to wear the tournament caddy bib throughout tournament play. *Review caddy requirements under policy & procedures tab prior to competition.

Registration: Registration for this event begins on 6/25 @ 9 AM. All registrations are online. Entry fee is $260.00 per player. Entries are NOT accepted in the pro shops.

*Entry fee includes green fees, warm-up range bucket for both days and prize money.

*Carts are available for purchase in the pro shop the day of play. If there are multiple riders in the same group, you will be paired due to limited availability. If you choose to ride as a single, there is an additional single rider cart fee.


Send us an email at

2025 Volunteer sign ups begin in Spring April 15th! Sign up for ball spotting or timing stations.  Earn a free round of golf for every shift you work (some booking restrictions apply to the round).  For any questions email

2025 Denver Men’s City Amateur Championship

City Park Golf Course

June 13th – 15th

OPENS 4/15

2025 Denver Men’s City Amateur Flighted Tournament

City Park Golf Course

 June 28th – 29th

OPENS 4/15

2025 Denver Senior Men’s City Amateur  

Overland Park Golf Course

July 19th – 20th

OPENS 4/15

2025 Denver Women’s City Amateur 

City Park Golf Course

August 2nd – 3rd

OPENS 4/15

2025 City Amateur Registration Dates

2025 Denver Men’s City Amateur

Men’s Championship  Registration opens  Wednesday, May 21, 2025 @ 9 AM

OPENS 5/21

Men’s Flighted Tournament Registration opens – Wednesday, May 28, 2025 @ 9 AM

OPENS 5/28

2025 Denver Senior Men’s City Amateur – Opens Wednesday, June 18, 2025 @ 9 AM

OPENS 6/18

2025 Denver Women’s City Amateur – Opens Wednesday, June 25th, 2025 @ 9 AM

OPENS 6/25




1.1.1 The Tournament Committee for any City Amateur consists of the designated Tournament Director, the designated Chief Official, and any member of the Rules of Golf Committee at the competition.


1.2.1 Rules officials are representatives of the Denver City Amateur, and any rules given will be held by the Tournament Committee.


1.3.1 All players are expected to play according to the USGA and R&A rules of golf, and comply with any local rules established by the committee. Any player in a Denver City Amateur event may request to view a copy of the Rules of Golf or the Denver Golf Local Rules Sheet.



2.1.1 Amateur male players of any age with a verifiable GHIN handicap index of 2.4 or lower as of the date stated on the registration page.
2.1.2 You don’t have to be a Denver Resident to play.


2.2.1 Amateur male players of any age with a verifiable GHIN handicap index of 2.4 or higher as of the date stated on the registration page.
2.2.2 All participants will be flighted by Handicap Index
2.2.3 You don’t have to be a Denver Resident to play.
2.2.4 Any player may be re-flighted during the event based on score


2.3.1 Amateur Players 50 years of age or older with a verifiable GHIN handicap as of the date stated on the registration page.
2.3.2 Players with a 5.4 handicap index or lower are automatically opted into the championship flight.
2.3.3 Players with a handicap up to a 9.9 may elect to play in the Championship flight.
2.3.4 You don’t have to be a Denver Resident to play.
2.3.5 Any player can be placed in the Championship flight after play on Day 1.


2.4.1 Amateur female players of any age with a verifiable GHIN handicap as of the most recent handicap revision prior to registration close.
2.4.2 Players with a 2.4 handicap or lower are automatically opted into the championship flight.
2.4.3 Players with a handicap higher than a 2.4 but lower than a 5.0 may elect to play in the Championship flight.
2.4.4 You don’t have to be a Denver resident to play.
2.4.5 Any player can be placed in the Championship flight after play on Day 1.



3.1.1 Players MUST notify Denver Golf via email at, not the host course, to receive a refund and be taken out of the event.
3.1.2 All withdrawal requests are subject to the refund policy schedule.


3.2.1 Players MUST notify Denver Golf via email at, not the host course, to receive a refund.
3.2.2 All refunds are subject to the following schedule: Players that withdraw before the entry close deadline will be refunded, less a $15.00 service charge. Players that withdraw after the entry close deadline or by 4pm the Wednesday before the event will be refunded 50% of the paid entry fee. (this gives us time to contact waitlist players). After the Wednesday cut-off there is no refund up to the start of the tournament. After the tournament has started, there is no refund for any reason.

3.2.3 All refunds will be sent to the credit card used to pay the entry fee. Processing refunds may take up to two weeks.



4.1.1 The Rules of Golf as approved by the USGA and The R&A govern play.
4.1.2 The Local Rules and Conditions of Competitions for Denver City Amateur Tournaments are defined on the Notice to Players and will supplement The Rules of Golf.
4.1.3 Host course local rules are not applicable, unless they are listed on the event Player Notice.
4.1.4 The Committee, whose decision is final, shall settle all questions.
4.1.5 In the event the tournament is ended before players can complete all holes of the competition, the winners will be determined based on last completed 18-hole scores.  All prize money will be payed.


4.2.1 The Rules of Golf require that a player shall, at all times, play without undue delay. The administering of pace of play will be handled by the Denver Golf Tournament Committee (heretofore referred to as DGTC).
4.2.2 The first group is in breach of the policy if the group finishes any hole after the maximum allowable time based on the pace of play chart determined by the DGTC.
4.2.3 Any subsequent group is in breach if the group completes a hole after the maximum allowable time AND more than 14 minutes after the preceding group finished the hole.
4.2.4 When a group is in breach of the policy, each player in the group is liable to penalty. The application of any penalty occurs only in the scoring area, and is applied to the hole where the breach occurred.

4.2.5 A group that is liable to penalty may appeal the penalty in the scoring area.
4.2.6 After a group reaches a checkpoint out of position and incurs a warning, a player who makes no effort to reach the next checkpoint in the expected time or to catch up with the group ahead and misses the subsequent checkpoint, will incur the applicable penalty which will be imposed in the scoring area following the round.
4.2.7 A group in position at the previous checkpoint that has a long ruling or extensive search for a ball on the next checkpoint hole will be exempted from penalty if the group is unable to complete that checkpoint hole in the expected time.
4.2.8 A group must be over its time based on the pace of play chart and “out of position” relative to the group in front of it before monitoring and timing of a group is warranted.
4.2.9 If a group is to be monitored, a player must play a stroke within 40 seconds from the time he or she can make a stroke without interference or distraction.
4.2.10 If a group is considered out of position– they are given a warning at the next hole and put on the clock. Players are subject to the following penalties.  Any group may be put on the clock at any point during the round if the group is deemed out of positon. 1st bad timing – 1 stroke penalty (Rule 5.6) 2nd bad timing – Additional 2 stroke penalty 3rd bad timing – Disqualification


4.3.1 All players must comply with the host course dress code requirements.


4.4.1 If a player does not show for their tee time they are not eligible for refund and are held to guidelines in the Rules of Golf (see Rule 5.3).


4.5.1 A player may only use devices that do not make an audible noise. If a cell phone makes an audible noise (including vibrations which can be heard) during the stipulated round the following penalty will apply: First offense – Warning. Subsequent offense – Disqualification.

4.5.2 Annoying cell phone use during a stipulated round is considered unbecoming conduct and the Committee may disqualify a player for a serious breach of etiquette and/or reject a player’s entry in future events.
4.5.3 Cell phones may be used to view hole locations, tournament details and as a distance measuring device during play.
4.5.4 Spectators who misuse cell phones may be asked to leave the course.


4.6.1 A player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. Cell phones are allowed using the Denver Golf app or the USGA GHIN app.  Any other apps must be approved by the tournament committee before play.
4.6.2 If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his/her play (e.g., gradient, wind-speed, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 4.3.
4.6.3 For any subsequent offense, the penalty is disqualification.


4.7.1 All players are permitted to use a cart and may elect to purchase at the course the day of play. Carts may be purchased at the course but are not guaranteed


4.8.1 Players must register their caddie with Denver Golf before beginning play.
4.8.2 Caddies must wear the caddy bib provided by Denver Golf at all times during the round.
4.8.3 Caddies are subject to the tournament dress code, liability, pace of play and conduct requirements. A player is responsible for his or her caddie’s actions both during a round and while play is stopped.
4.8.4 Caddies may ride in carts with the player, but must pay standard cart fees.


4.9.1 For handicap purposes, the Denver Golf Tournament Committee will post all applicable individual stroke play tournament scores to the GHIN Handicap service within 1 day of the completion of the tournament.


4.10.1 Suspension and resumption of play are signaled as follows MLR[8J-1]: Immediate Suspension of Play (E.G. Dangerous Condition): One prolonged note of an air horn; penalty for failure to cease play immediately: Disqualification. Normal Suspension of Play: Three consecutive notes of an air horn, repeated; players may finish play of their current hole. Resumption of Play: Two consecutive notes of an air horn, repeated. {Rule 5.7b}.

4.10.2 All practice areas are closed during an immediate suspension until the Committee declares the practice areas open.  Practice on a closed practice area during a suspension may result in the revocation of the entry of the player without refund of entry fee and additional sanctions by the Denver City Amateur Committee.


4.11.1 Ties for the Winner in ALL flights will be decided by sudden death playoff, starting hole will be determined based on availability.
4.11.2 All other ties will be decided by score card play-off USGA (last 9, 6, 3, 1 holes).
4.11.3 There will be no ties, one winner is determined for each gross place.


4.12.1 In stroke play, failure by a player to return his scorecard to the scoring official, or withdrawal during play without notifying an official and surrendering the scorecard to an official, is considered a serious breach of etiquette and unbecoming conduct.



5.1.1 Flights are determined by verified handicap index and the number of players registered.


5.2.1 All players must register online prior to the registration deadline.


5.3.1 Waitlist begins when registration is full.
5.3.2 Players from the waitlist will be notified if space becomes available prior to the event or can arrive at the course on the first day of play in case of no shows.


5.4.1 Prize money distribution is determined by registration and flight size.


5.5.1 Spectators are welcome to attend and follow groups.
5.5.2 All spectators should read the Spectator Guidelines prior to attending and follow golf etiquette at all times on the course.
5.5.3 The Tournament Officials have the right to forbid spectators entirely if deemed necessary. They also have the right to ask any spectator to leave the course at any time.


5.6.1 Practice rounds are not guaranteed or included in the price of registration. If a player wants to play a practice round they must book normally through the course.


5.7.1 Photographs and video are taken at this event. By taking part in this event you grant the event organizers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the group’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications. If you do not wish to be photographed please inform an event organizer.


5.8.1 Injury to person or property as a result of playing on Denver Golf premises, is solely the responsibility of the golfer. The City and County of Denver expressly denies liability resulting from play.