Golf Food & Beverage Concessionaires Hiring Positions include front of the house, back of the house, snack bar and beverage cart attendants at Kennedy, Willis Case, City Park and Overland Park. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! To apply, please email your resume directly to: **Note: This is for some of our private concessionaires, not Denver Golf hiring.
Golf Advisory Committee Positions Open Denver Golf is committed to providing an excellent golf experience for our guests. Part of that is giving our guests a voice. The Denver Golf Advisory Representatives play the courses, know the guests and are committed to bringing your ideas and concerns to the leadership of Denver Golf. Your representatives bring your feedback directly to the Director of Golf when they meet every other month. We encourage you to reach out to your representatives and let them know what you think! If you are interested in joining the committee we are currently looking for representatives at Kennedy and Harvard Gulch! Committee members are expected to:
If you are interested in joining the team, please email your resume and brief description of why you wish to join the committee to: 2021 Denver Golf Passes On Sale For the player: Come Play & Ride - $345 (37% savings)
Come Play & Walk - $255 (31% savings)
For the novice: Come Learn & Play - $159 (69% savings)
Classes started this month! For the family: Family Fun -$159 (39% savings)
*Restrictions apply **Golf rounds not available at City Park ***A portion of each Denver Golf Pass sale goes to support The First Tee Of Denver Junior Golf programs. |
Events 2021 Denver City Amateur Registrations are open
June 5-6, 2021
July 24-25, 2021 Visit for more information.
Ball Fitting Event, Saturday, April 24th Make sure you are playing the correct ball, and try out the our new launch monitor. Email for more information. |
Social Media Updates Video of the month -Meet Juno!
Meet our working Goose Dogs Canada geese have become a persistent nuisance animal on golf courses. Throughout the entire year, there can be anywhere from twenty-five to hundreds of Canada geese on Denver owned golf properties. Large concentrations of geese on the golf courses cause impacts to the playing surfaces and create unsightly messes and conflicts with patrons and staff. One component of an effective goose management is site aversion, harassing or scaring geese from an area. The most widely used method of hazing geese on golf courses nationwide is with the use of trained dogs. Border Collies and other breeds of herding dogs have become an industry standard hazing method to effectively deter geese. Geese perceive herding dogs as predators, and as a result, the geese become conditioned that the golf course is not suitable habitat. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), are wildlife agencies that have endorsed and support property owners in the method of hazing so long as no geese are injured or killed. Hazing is prohibited between April 1 through July 31 to give geese a reprieve during the breeding season. Meet the Denver Golf Dogs
Ullr & Reggie at City Park Golf. These boys are back in town and have to work overtime to haze off the grazing geese of City Park Golf as the new ponds and water features really draw in the flocks.
Juno & Cham at Wellshire. While Juno is a veteran goose patrol doggo, Cham is new to the job and quickly learning from his big sister Juno. Don’t let their cuteness fool you, they are terrific at giving the geese second thoughts about grazing on Wellshire’s turf!
Charlie at Evergreen. Charlie was in training to be a police dog but she now patrols Evergreen golf course.
Tele at Evergreen. Tele started in 2020 and he is the first pro shop dog to join our working dog program.
Luna at Kennedy. Luna has been in the program for a few years but sidelined for some leg issues. She is back to work in 2021 with a little less speed but the geese won’t notice that she has missed a step. |
The First Tee of Denver
Summer Class Registration Now Open! We would like to remind everyone that safety is our #1 priority at First Tee Denver. We are continuing to take steps in order to keep all participants, staff and parents safe during the ongoing Covid-19 situation. View our safety protocols here. |
Course Improvements
Harvard Gulch Golf Course Update Harvard Gulch Pond and Irrigation Improvements In Progress Due to the dry winter, some turf damage from construction has occurred. This has pushed the opening back to mid-May. Stay tuned for more details. This project will provide the following benefits:
Follow updates on our website at 4/7/21 photos Extents on the enlarged pond! Waiting on liner to be poured and landscape to be installed.
The channel crossing is complete. Pond base is set and liner is scheduled to be installed next week.
The pond is being pumped through the outlet structure from the rainfall we received Tuesday. Up the hill, mainline trenches are being backfilled and dirt is being prepped to begin pouring the concrete pad for the new pump.
We tested the irrigation system in this area of the course on Wednesday and officially have water! Sod and seed scheduled to go down next week to start patching back construction damage.
Kennedy Golf Course Safety Notice Your safety is very important to us, therefore we have closed the bridge on Creek #9 at Kennedy Golf Course. The annual release of water from the Cherry Creek reservoir caused underscoring to the bridge making it unsafe. Unfortunately, repairing or replacing the bridge is not a quick fix. We are closing it until we can repair or replace it. There will be an alternate route provided during this time. Construction will mobilize on April 12th. Construction is expected to take around 40 days for a late May to early June completion. Much of the bridge work will be taking place off site. When they lift the bridge off, they will take to an offsite location to re-deck and make other repairs.
Course Specials and Updates
Evergreen opens on May 1! Make your tee times for Evergreen beginning on April 17th with a Loyalty Membership and April 24th without a Loyalty Membership
Spring Weather Updates For rain delays and other course condition updates, visit the Denver Golf Twitter Page. |
The Denver Golf App Your virtual scorecard solution!
Holes-In-One Congratulations to our 2021 Holes-In-One!